Our History

OSCAR S.R.L. was founded in 1978 in Carpenedolo, an industrial and agricultural town 25 km from its capital, Brescia.

The step-by-step history of Oscar S.R.L.

Agricultural Parts and Industrial Components in Carpenedolo, Brescia since 1978

Since its inception in 1978, ‘Oscar’ has adopted a corporate strategy aimed at continually improving the quality of its products, expanding its operational radius and ranging from the agricultural to the industrial sector, from mechanics to hydraulics.


Brand acquisition TIZETA.


As early as 1997, ‘Oscar’ became the first company in its sector to obtain ‘UNI EN ISO 9002‘ certification with the ‘csq’ mark, followed in 2002 by the new ‘UNI EN ISO 9001:2000’ certification, bringing its quality management system in line with the new regulations.


New premises with retail.

To strengthen its presence in major markets, OSCAR S.R.L. also became involved in the direct marketing of hydraulic cylinders, hydraulic hoses and other important components for the agricultural and industrial sectors

Thanks to recent financial commitments, the company has been given new premises with all the necessary modernity requirements.

In addition, a retail outlet was opened to better meet the needs of its customers.


Establishment of Oscar Cmr.


All this, however, while always retaining the characteristics of flexibility in adapting to different customer requirements, speed of delivery and the search for new proposals for the product range on offer.

Today Oscar S.R.L. also occupies an important place on the international scene, with more than 25% of its revenue coming from exports. This, combined with the company’s maturity and seriousness, which have always been recognised and appreciated, helps us to progress and constantly improve in an increasingly demanding and difficult socio-economic context.

Un impegno in 17 Stati

Oggi Oscar S.R.L. occupa un posto importante anche nel panorama internazionale, esportando oltre il 25% dei suoi ricavi.

I mercati in cui Oscar S.R.L.. è presente oggi sono 17: Italia, Regno Unito, Francia, Spagna, Grecia, Polonia, Bielorussia, Russia, Marocco, Israele, Senegal, Camerun, Costa D’Avorio, Burkina Faso, Stati Uniti d’America, Singapore e Australia.

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